2024.8.17. sat. ☀︎.
① 無尽‥○物が尽きないこと。Something that never runs out.
② イシス‥✖️エジプト神話の豊穣の女神で、オシリスの妻でホルスの母です。In Egyptian mythology, she is the fertility goddess, wife of Osiris and mother of Horus.
③ 佑‥✖️たすけ / たすける / かばう などの 意味 を 持 つ 漢字 です。This is a kanji that means help, assist, and protect.
④ 京枡‥○太閤検地の際,秀吉が石盛の基準に使用し全国に普及した枡。This measuring cup was used by Hideyoshi as a standard for measuring stones during the Taiko land survey, and became popular throughout the country.
⑤ 前衛芸術‥○前衛的な美術のこと。It refers to avant-garde art.
⑥ 総理府‥○各行政機関の事務の総合調整,他の行政機関に属さない種々の事務を担当した国の行政機関。A national administrative agency responsible for the overall coordination of the affairs of each administrative agency and various affairs that do not belong to other administrative agencies.