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土のアラカルト№456 サルコペニア


2024.8.31. sat. ☔️.




① 八正道‥✖️[はっしょうどう]仏陀が最初に説いた仏教の基本的な教えの一。It is one of the fundamental teachings of Buddhism that was first preached by the Buddha.

② 阿衡事件‥✖️887年宇多天皇即位の際に藤原基経を関白に任じた勅書に「阿衡の任をもって卿の任となすべし」とあったため,基経は阿衡とは位のみで職掌を伴わない空名であるとして政務をみず,半年後,天皇が譲歩し勅書を改めた事件。When Emperor Uda ascended to the throne in 887, the imperial edict appointing Fujiwara no Mototsune as regent stated that "the position of Aheng should be the same as that of his lord," but Mototsune did not take part in government affairs, claiming that Aheng was merely a title and did not carry out any official duties. Six months later, the Emperor relented and revised the imperial edict.

③ 百条委員会‥○地方自治法一〇〇条に基づき地方議会が設ける調査委員会。An investigative committee established by a local assembly based on Article 100 of the Local Autonomy Act.

④ 裳着‥✖️平安時代,公家の女子が成人したしるしとして,初めて裳を着ける儀式。During the Heian period, this was a ceremony in which female nobles wore formal kimonos for the first time as a sign of coming of age.

⑤ 悉有仏性‥✖️一切の衆生は仏性をそなえているということ。All sentient beings possess Buddha nature.

⑥ タンパベイレイズ‥○メジャーリーグベースボールアメリカンリーグ東地区所属のプロ野球チーム。A professional baseball team in the American League East Division of Major League Baseball.





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