2024.9.29. sun. ☁︎.
① イワナ‥○サケ目サケ科イワナ属の魚。A fish of the Salmonidae family, Salvelinus genus.
② 色の三原色‥○色の三原色は光が当たり反射して見える色で、CMYK(シアン・マゼンタ・イエロー)で作られる色です。The three primary colors are the colors that are seen when light hits them and reflects them, and are made up of CMYK (cyan, magenta, and yellow).
③ 二元論‥✖️哲物事を相対立する二つの原理または要素に基づいてとらえる立場。A philosophy that considers things based on two opposing principles or elements.
④ 諦觀‥✖️全体を見通して,事の本質を見きわめること。See the big picture and get to the essence of things.
⑤ 薮路木島‥✖️長崎県小値賀町にある無人島である。It is an uninhabited island located in Ojika Town, Nagasaki Prefecture.
⑥ 斎院‥○平安時代から鎌倉時代にかけて賀茂御祖神社と賀茂別雷神社の両賀茂神社に奉仕した皇女で、伊勢神宮の斎宮と併せて斎王という。She was an imperial princess who served both Kamo Shrines, Kamomioya Shrine and Kamo Wakeikazuchi Shrine, from the Heian period through the Kamakura period, and together with Saigū of Ise Shrine, she is known as the Saiō.