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土のアラカルト№502 アリーナ


2024.10.16. wed. ☁︎.




① 泰然自若‥○少しも物事に動じないさま。Not being shaken by things at all.

② 船渡聟‥✖️聟入りする男が土産の酒を持って船で舅の家へ行くが,酒と見た船頭が理屈をつけて全部飲み尽くしてしまう。A groom heads to his father-in-law's house by boat bringing some sake as a souvenir, but when the boatman sees it, he makes an excuse and drinks it all up.

③ 全壊‥○すっかりこわれてしまうこと。To be completely broken.

④ 公益通報‥○一般にいう内部告発を行った労働者を保護する日本の法律である。This is a Japanese law that protects workers who make what are commonly referred to as whistleblowers.

⑤ 半島‥○海に向かって細長く突き出た陸地。A long, narrow strip of land jutting out into the sea.

⑥ 保守用車衝突脱線事故‥○2024年7月22日午前3時37分、東海道新幹線豊橋駅~三河安城駅間上り線で、保守基地に向かう途中の保守用列車(9両編成)が、合流するために待機していた別の保守用車(マルチプルタイタンパー)に衝突した。保守用列車先頭の軌道モーターカーと、マルチプルタイタンパーの一部の車軸が脱線、復旧作業のため同新幹線は終日運休した。At 3:37 a.m. on July 22, 2024, a nine-car maintenance train on the Tokaido Shinkansen line between Toyohashi Station and Mikawa-Anjo Station on its way to a maintenance base collided with another maintenance car (multiple-tamper) waiting to join. The track motor car at the front of the maintenance train and some of the axles of the multiple-tamper derailed, and the Shinkansen was suspended for the rest of the day for recovery work.





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