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土のアラカルト№519 広報船

2024.11.2. sat. ☂️.





① キャスティングボード‥○多数決で決定する会議で,可否同数の場合,議長のもつ決裁権。In a meeting where decisions are made by majority vote, the chairperson has the deciding power in the event of an equal number of votes for and against.

② 首班指名‥○日本の内閣の首長たる内閣総理大臣を指名する選挙である。This is an election to nominate the Prime Minister, who is the head of the Japanese Cabinet.

③ 少数与党政権‥○Minority government

④ 大堰川‥✖️京都府中東部,丹波高地の大悲山たいひざんに源を発し,亀岡付近で保津ほづ川と名を変え,さらに下流で桂川となり,淀よど川に注ぐ川。A river that originates from Mount Taihizan in the Tamba Highlands in central-eastern Kyoto Prefecture, changes its name to the Hozu River near Kameoka, becomes the Katsura River further downstream, and flows into the Yodo River.

⑤ 衆議院議員‥○衆議院を組織する議員。 Member of the House of Representatives

⑥ 開票率‥○選挙区、または開票所ごとの、投票総数に対する開票済みの票数の割合。The percentage of votes counted out of the total votes for each precinct or polling station.



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