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土のアラカルト№645 ヤッホースイング


2025.3.8. sat. ☀︎.




①  2馬力選挙‥○本人でなく、他候補当選を目的に立候補する選挙。An election in which a candidate runs with the aim of helping another candidate win, rather than himself.

②  夜鷹‥○特に、江戸時代に、夜、道ばたで客を引いた、下等の売春婦。In particular, during the Edo period, a low-class prostitute who solicited customers on the roadside at night.

③  足利浄円‥✖️浄土真宗の開教のためにアメリカに渡った人物で、同朋舎の創業者でもあります。He traveled to America to spread the teachings of Jodo Shinshu, and was also the founder of Dohosha.

④  子どもの権利条約‥○18歳未満の子どもの権利を保障するために定められた国際法です。It is an international law established to guarantee the rights of children under the age of 18.

⑤  基礎控除‥○各種税制において課税標準額を算出する際、全ての納税義務者が無条件で適用できる控除である。This is a deduction that can be applied unconditionally to all taxpayers when calculating the taxable base under various tax systems.

⑥  106万円の壁‥○年収が106万円を超えると社会保険に加入する義務が発生するボーダーラインです。An annual income exceeding 1,060,000 yen is the borderline at which you become obligated to enroll in social insurance.


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