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土のアラカルト№407 灘と瀬戸


2024.7.14. sun. ☔️.



①       摂関政治‥○時代平安に藤原氏の良房流一族が、天皇の外戚として摂政や関白あるいは内覧といった要職を占め、政治の実権を代々独占し続けた政治体制のこと。This refers to the political system in which during the Heian period, the Yoshifusa line of the Fujiwara clan, as the emperor's relatives by marriage, held important positions such as regent, chancellor, or minister, and continued to monopolize real political power for generations.

②       和音‥○高さが異なる複数のピッチクラスの楽音が同時にひびく音のことである。It is a sound in which multiple musical notes of different pitch classes resonate simultaneously.

③       瀬戸内式気候‥○日本の気候区分の一つである。瀬戸内式気候や瀬戸内海型気候・瀬戸内の気候とも呼ばれることがある。It is one of the climate divisions of Japan. It is also called the Seto Inland Sea climate, Seto Inland Sea climate, or Setouchi climate.

④       晴雨‥○晴天と雨天。Sunny and rainy weather.

⑤       出生‥○[しゅっしょう]名詞、子供が生まれること。The birth of a child.

⑥       ツーバイフォー工法‥○木造枠組壁工法の一種で、角材と合板を組み立てて箱状の空間を作る工法です。This is a type of wooden frame wall construction method in which timber and plywood are assembled to create a box-shaped space.

⑦       連歌‥○古典詩歌の一体。短歌の上下句を分けて二人で問答唱和することに始まり,万葉集に大伴家持と尼との唱和の例がある。A form of classical poetry. It began as a dialogue between two people, with the upper and lower verses of a tanka poem recited together. An example of this is found in the Manyoshu, where Otomo no Yakamochi recited the poem together with a nun.

⑧       ピカソ‥○パブロ・ピカソは、スペイン・マラガ生まれの、フランスで制作活動をおこなった画家。Pablo Picasso was a painter born in Malaga, Spain, and worked in France.

⑨       電荷‥○その周辺の空間を電場に変化させる性質のことであり、粒子や物体が帯びている電気(電荷)の量の大きさでもある。It refers to the property of changing the space around it into an electric field, and is also the measurement of the amount of electricity (charge) that a particle or object carries.

⑩       源頼政‥✖️ 1104~1180平安末期の武将。従三位に進み出家して源三位げんざんみ入道と称された。平治の乱では,平清盛につく。A military commander in the late Heian period. He rose to the rank of Junior Third Rank, became a monk, and was called Minamoto no Sanmi Genzanmi Nyudo. During the Heiji Rebellion, he sided with Taira no Kiyomori.






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