2024.7.23. tue. ☀︎.
① 国立科学博物館‥○独立行政法人国立科学博物館が運営する日本の博物館。A Japanese museum operated by the National Museum of Nature and Science, an independent administrative institution.
② 素性‥○[すじょう]人の生まれた家柄や血筋。The family or lineage a person is born into.
③ もっと宮内省‥○[くないしょう]律令制の八省の一。太政官の右弁官に属し,宮中の衣食住を中心とする大膳職・木工寮・大炊寮などを管轄。Oneもっと the eight ministries under the Ritsuryo system. It was a member of the Right Benkan of the Dajokan and was in charge of the Daizenshoku, Carpentry Bureau, and Oinery Bureau, which were mainly related to the food, clothing, and shelter of the Imperial Court.
④ オニアジ‥✖️スズキ目アジ科に分類される海水魚の一種。A type of marine fish classified in the family Carangidae, order Perciformes.