2024.7.28. sun. ☀︎.
① 果皮‥○[かひ]果実の種子を包む部分。The part of the fruit that contains the seeds.
② イケカツオ‥✖️アジ科に分類される熱帯性の海水魚の一種。A type of tropical saltwater fish classified in the family Carangidae.
③ 外題学問‥✖️[げだいがくもん]書物の書名だけを知って,内容には触れない,うわべだけの学問をあざけっていう語。A term used to mock superficial scholarship that involves knowing only the titles of books without touching on their contents.
④ 授権‥✖️[じゅけん]名詞、法、特定の人に一定の権限を与えること。Giving certain powers to certain people.
⑤ 丑の日‥○夏の土用の期間にある丑の日のこと。This refers to the day of the Ox during the summer Doyo period.
⑥ 完璧‥○欠点や足りないところがなく立派なこと。Something that is excellent and has no flaws or shortcomings.