2024.8.7. wed. ☀︎.
① 欅‥○ニレ科ケヤキ属の落葉高木。A deciduous tall tree of the genus Zelkova in the family Ulmaceae.
② ウィグナー‥✖️ハンガリー出身の物理学者。Hungarian physicist.
③ バサロ‥○背泳ぎでの潜水泳法のことを特に バサロ泳法と言う。The diving backstroke swimming technique is specifically called the Vassallo technique.
④ ニシパ‥✖️アイヌ語で裕福な人・ 金持ち・紳士・旦那様・主人・殿など、男性の尊称を表す言葉です。In the Ainu language, this word is used to express respect for men, such as a wealthy person, rich person, gentleman, husband, master, or lord.
⑤ 衣笠‥○絹を張った柄の長い傘。A long-handled umbrella covered in silk.