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土のアラカルト№445 お盆の風物詩

2024.8.20. tue. ☁︎.




① 蝦夷‥○日本列島の東国や北方に住む人々の呼称で、大和朝廷から続く中央政権から見ての呼称である。It is the term used to refer to people living in the eastern and northern parts of the Japanese archipelago, as viewed by the central government that continued from the Yamato court.

② IP‥○インターネットプロトコル、知的財産権、野球の投球回など、様々な分野で使われる略語や固有名詞です。These are abbreviations and proper nouns used in a variety of fields, including Internet protocols, intellectual property rights, and baseball innings.

③ レイヤー‥○層。階層。Layers. Hierarchies.

④ 光復節‥○韓国で,日本の植民地支配からの解放を祝う祝日。A national holiday in Korea celebrating liberation from Japanese colonial rule.

⑤ 沼‥○水深5メートル以内の水域で、草に占められる湿地の一種です。It is a type of marshland that is a body of water less than 5 metres deep and is dominated by grasses.

⑥ 海軍省‥✖️旧憲法下における内閣の省の一。One of the Cabinet ministries under the old constitution.



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