2024.8.19. mon. ☂️.
① 堆肥‥○易分解性有機物が微生物によって完全に分解された肥料あるいは土壌改良剤のこと。A fertilizer or soil conditioner in which easily decomposable organic matter has been completely decomposed by microorganisms.
② 防衛庁‥○内閣府の外局の一。自衛隊の管理・運営を任務とする。An external bureau of the Cabinet Office. Its mission is to manage and operate the Self-Defense Forces.
③ 保安隊‥○1952年(昭和27)警察予備隊を改組して発足した陸上部隊。54年自衛隊へと発展。A ground force established in 1952 (Showa 27) by reorganizing the National Police Reserve Forces. It developed into the Self-Defense Forces in 1954.
④ サンサルバドル‥✖️エルサルバドルの首都。The capital of El Salvador.
⑤ 天地開闢‥✖️[てんちかいびゃく]天と地が開けた,世界の始まり。The beginning of the world, when the heavens and the earth opened up.
⑥ 足利義稙‥✖️1466~1523室町幕府一〇代将軍(在職1490~1493・1508~1521)。The 10th Shogun of the Muromachi Shogunate.