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土のアラカルト№468 高専のないとこ

2024.9.12.thu. ☀︎




①  猛暑日‥○最高気温がセ氏35度以上の日のことで、気象庁の予報用語です。This refers to a day when the maximum temperature is 35 degrees Celsius or higher, and is a forecast term used by the Japan Meteorological Agency.

②  浙江財閥‥○蒋介石の国民政府を支えた上海の民族資本で、宋子文や孔祥煕などが代表です。This was ethnic Shanghai capital that supported Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalist government, and its representative figures included Song Tzu-wen and Kong Xiangxi.

③  何時何時‥✖️「いつ」を強めていう語。A word that emphasizes "when."

④  景気‥○売買や取引などに現れる経済活動の状況。特に、経済活動が活気を帯びていること。The state of economic activity as seen in buying, selling, trading, etc. In particular, economic activity is vibrant.

⑤  情景‥○心にある感じを起こさせる光景や場面。A sight or scene that evokes a certain feeling in one's mind.

⑥  パノラマ‥○遠景を曲面に描き,その前に立体的な模型を配置して,実景を見るかのように都市や戦闘の場面などを表した装置。A device that depicts a distant view on a curved surface and places a three-dimensional model in front of it, depicting scenes of cities or battles as if they were real.



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