2024.9.30. mon. ☁︎.
① 姓‥○主に東アジアの漢字文化圏・儒教圏ので用いられる血縁集団の名称。The name of a blood-related group used mainly in the Chinese character culture and Confucianism areas of East Asia.
② マイノリティ‥○少数派。Minority.
③ 上後藤村‥✖️米子内うち町の後藤氏によって開拓されたことから後藤村と称し、のち後藤氏分家によって北西弓浜半島の中海側に新しい開発村(後藤村)が成立したため上後藤村とよばれるようになった。It was originally called Goto Village because it was developed by the Goto family of Uchimachi, Yonago. Later, a new development village (Goto Village) was established on the Lake Nakaumi side of the northwest Yumihama Peninsula by a branch of the Goto family, and it came to be called Kami Goto Village.