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土のアラカルト№493 大刀契


2024.10.7. mon.☂️.




① リアリズム‥○(政治学) 現実主義。Realism.

② 長福寺跡‥✖️日根荘の領主、九条政基が1501~1504年の間直接支配するために滞在したお寺です。This is the temple where Kujo Masamoto stayed during his direct rule between 1501 and 1504.

③ 司馬遷‥○周代の記録係である司馬氏の子孫で、太史令の司馬談を父に持つ。He was a descendant of the Sima clan, who were record keepers during the Zhou dynasty, and his father was Sima Tan, who was the Grand Historian.

④ 探索質問‥✖️レファレンス質問のうち,即答できるほど単純ではなく,2種類以上の探索ツールを併用して解答を求めることができる程度の質問.レファレンスブックがデータベース化されるに伴い探索が容易になり,従来,探索質問として扱われていたものが即答質問とみなされることが多くなった.A reference question that is not simple enough to be answered immediately, but requires the use of two or more search tools in combination to find an answer. As reference books have been organized into databases, searching has become easier, and what were previously considered search questions are now often considered questions with an immediate answer.

⑤ 巨大染色体‥✖️ショウジョウバエなどハエ目の幼虫の唾液腺細胞・マルピーギ管・神経細胞や,精母細胞などに存在する巨大な染色体。A giant chromosome found in the salivary gland cells, Malpighian tubules, nerve cells, and spermatocytes of fly larvae such as Drosophila melanogaster.

⑥ バサロ‥○背泳ぎでの潜水泳法のことを特にバサロ泳法(バサロえいほう)と言う。The diving backstroke swimming technique is specifically called the Vassallo swimming technique.





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