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土のアラカルト№495 ミライエ土木女子

2024.10.9. wed. ☁︎.




① 界面化学‥○界面に生ずる現象を扱う物理化学の一部門。A branch of physical chemistry that deals with phenomena that occur at interfaces.

② 金城湯池‥✖️守りが堅固で容易に落城せぬ城。A castle with strong defenses that will not easily fall.

③ 無記名投票‥○投票用紙に投票人の氏名を記入しない方式の投票。A method of voting in which the voter's name is not written on the ballot paper.

④ 炬火‥✖️たいまつ。Torch.Torch.

⑤ レモネード‥○レモンの果汁に蜂蜜やシロップ、砂糖などで甘味をつけて冷水で割ったエード。An ale made by diluting lemon juice with cold water and sweetening it with honey, syrup, or sugar.

⑥ 松平康英‥✖️江戸時代後期の旗本・大名。江戸幕府外国奉行、神奈川奉行、大目付、勘定奉行、南町奉行を歴任した後に本家の大名家を相続、奏者番兼寺社奉行、老中となった。A hatamoto and feudal lord in the late Edo period. After serving as the Edo Shogunate's foreign affairs magistrate, Kanagawa magistrate, oometsuke (feudal inspector), finance magistrate, and Minamimachi magistrate, he inherited the head daimyo family and became a soshaban (court attendant for the delegation of temples and shrines) and a senior councilor.



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