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土のアラカルト№515 三豊クレーター発見

2024.10.29. tue. ☂️.




① 江藤新平‥○18341874政治家。佐賀藩士。尊王攘夷運動に参加。維新後,司法卿となり,司法制度の近代化に努めた。18341874 Politician. Samurai of the Saga domain. Participated in the Sonno Joi movement. After the Meiji Restoration, he became Minister of Justice and worked to modernize the judicial system.

② えご‥○山中のくぼ地。A depression in the mountains.

③ 十三夜‥✖️旧暦の9月13日~14日の夜ことを指します。It refers to the night of September 13th to 14th on the lunar calendar.

④ オガワコマッコウ‥✖️ハクジラ亜目コマッコウ科コマッコウ属に属する小型のクジラである。It is a small whale belonging to the Odontoceti suborder, family Pipermochiidae, and genus Pipermochiidae.

⑤ エルニーニョ‥○エルニーニョ・南方振動 での温暖な局面を指す用語で、南米の太平洋岸沖合を含む中央太平洋および東中部太平洋の赤道域にて発達する暖かい海流が関与しているもの。A term used to refer to the warm phase of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ESO), which involves warm ocean currents that develop in the equatorial regions of the central and east-central Pacific Ocean, including off the Pacific coast of South America.

⑥ イッカク‥○哺乳綱偶蹄目イッカク科イッカク属に分類される鯨類。A cetacean classified in the order Artiodactyla, family Monodontidae, and genus Monodon.



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