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土のアラカルト№517 フィリピン台風直撃で洪水


2024.10.31. thu.☁︎.




① 三修羅‥✖️戦とともに一生を送り、死後、修羅道に堕ちたとされる武者の姿を描く「修羅物」(二番目物)のうち、内容が特に深かったり、他の曲にはない演出であったりすることから演じることが難しいとされる『実盛』『頼政』『朝長』の三曲の能をいう。Among the "Shuramono" (second-class) Noh plays that depict warriors who spent their lives fighting and descended into the world of Asura after their death, these three Noh plays, "Sanemori," "Yorimasa," and "Asonaga," are considered difficult to perform because they are particularly profound in content and feature performances that are not found in other plays.

② 柿根性‥✖️渋い柿がすぐ甘くなるような、変わりやすい性質。A changeable quality, like how astringent persimmon quickly becomes sweet.

③ 梅根性‥✖️( 梅はなかなか酸味を失わないところから ) しつこくて、なかなか変えがたい性質。Plums have a persistent sour taste that is difficult to change.

④ 神風特別攻撃隊‥○第二次大戦で大日本帝国海軍によって編成された爆装航空機による体当たり攻撃部隊と直接掩護並びに戦果確認に任ずる隊で構成された攻撃隊。An attack force organized by the Imperial Japanese Navy during World War II, consisting of suicide attack units using bomb-laden aircraft and units tasked with providing direct coverage and verifying the results of the attack.

⑤ シロイルカ‥✖️哺乳綱偶蹄目イッカク科シロイルカ属に分類される鯨類。A cetacean classified in the order Artiodactyla, family Narwhalidae, and genus Beluga.

⑥ イロワケイルカ‥✖️クジラ目ハクジラ亜目マイルカ科イロワケイルカ属に属するイルカである。A different doctor's first LP product, Ben Gin and Te Seta Sean, Odon and Sechi Subor, and on the LP day, a drawing of the family, and on the LP day, a drawing of the lower.





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