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土のアラカルト№525 SUN belt

2024.11.8. fri. ☁︎.





① ネトうよ‥○インターネット上で右翼的・保守的・排外主義な発言や行動を取る人々の蔑称です。It is a derogatory term for people who make right-wing, conservative, or xenophobic statements or take actions on the Internet.

② 月に吠える‥○詩集。萩原朔太郎作。1917年(大正6)刊。豊かな感受性と近代人としての孤独な感情表現が結実したもので,既成概念に縛られず,詩語の新しい可能性を示し,現代詩への途を開いた。A collection of poems by Hagiwara Sakutarō. Published in 1917 (Taishō 6). A culmination of his rich sensitivity and the expression of his solitary feelings as a modern man, it is not bound by preconceived notions and shows new possibilities for poetic language, paving the way for modern poetry.

③ 詩歌‥○和歌・俳句・詩など韻文の総称。A general term for verse such as waka, haiku, and poetry.

④ 旭日双光章‥○日本の勲章の一つ。One of the Japanese medals.

⑤ モッツァレラ‥○丸い形に断面は繊維状で弾力があり、熱するととろけて独特の糸引きを楽しめる熟成工程を経ないフレッシュチーズである。It is a fresh cheese that does not undergo a maturation process and has a round shape with a fibrous and elastic cross-section; when heated it melts and has a unique stringy texture.

⑥ 藍綬褒章‥✖️褒章の一。One of the rewards.



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