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土のアラカルト№535 イベント準備


2024.11.18. mon. ☀︎.




①  井上良‥✖️歌手で女優の早見優(42)の父でジャズ歌手。Jazz singer and father of singer and actress Yu Hayami (42)

②  二番目物‥✖️五番立ての演能で,脇能に次ぎ,二番目に演じられる曲。修羅物。This is the second piece to be performed in a five-act performance, following the waki-noh.

③  新古典主義音楽‥✖️20世紀前半、とりわけ戦間期に主流となった芸術運動のひとつ。One of the artistic movements that became mainstream in the first half of the 20th century, particularly in the interwar period.

④  スフィア基準‥✖️被災者の権利と被災者支援の最低基準を定めた国際基準です。「避難所のトイレの男女比は3:1」、これは、約400頁にも及ぶハンドブックのなかの一部分です。This is an international standard that stipulates the rights of disaster victims and the minimum standards for disaster victim support. "The gender ratio in evacuation shelter toilets should be 3:1," is just one part of the approximately 400-page handbook.

⑤  静止軌道‥○対地同期軌道 の一種で、軌道傾斜角0度、離心率ゼロ、自身の公転周期と母星の自転周期が等しい軌道である。It is a type of geosynchronous orbit, with an orbital inclination of 0 degrees, zero eccentricity, and an orbit in which the planet's orbital period is equal to the planet's rotation period.

⑥  ショーター‥✖️Frank Shorter, 1947年10月31日 - 、アメリカの陸上競技男子マラソン選手。Frank Shorter (born October 31, 1947) is an American marathon runner.





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