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土のアラカルト№538 大規模停電


2024.11.21. thu. ☀︎.




①  連祷‥✖️正教会における公祈祷の重要な構成要素の一つ。An important component of public prayer in the Orthodox Church.

②  レームダック‥○任期終了を間近に控え,政治的影響力を失った大統領や首相。Presidents and prime ministers who have lost political influence as their terms near the end.

③  雨風‥○雨を降らせそうな湿った風。A damp wind that threatens to bring rain.

④  太田南畝‥✖️天明期を代表する文人・狂歌師であり、御家人。He was a representative writer, kyoka poet, and vassal of the Tenmei period.

⑤  児童文化財‥✖️厚生労働省社会保障審議会が「児童の道徳、情操、知能、体位等を向上せしめる効果をもつ作品」として、子どもと家族、保育士など子どもと関わる立場の人向けに推薦する出版物、舞台芸術、映画・メディア等の作品群。絵本や児童書、演劇や人形劇、ミュージカルやコンサート、映画、テレビ番組など、幅広い分野を対象にしている。The Social Security Council of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare recommends publications, performing arts, movies, media, etc. for children and their families, childcare workers, and other people who work with children as "works that have the effect of improving children's morals, emotions, intelligence, physical posture, etc." It covers a wide range of genres, including picture books, children's books, plays, puppet shows, musicals, concerts, movies, and TV programs.

⑥  周辺機器‥○ペリフェラルとは、コンピュータやゲーム機などの電子製品の本体に対して、ケーブル等で接続して使用する機器のこと。A peripheral is a device that is connected to the main body of an electronic product such as a computer or game console via a cable or other means.





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