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土のアラカルト№547 コンクリ片


2024.11.30. sat. ☀︎




①   懸守‥✖️かけまもり、錦の布でつくった筒形の袋に、紐をつけて胸に懸ける守袋。A talisman bag is a cylindrical bag made of brocade cloth with a string attached to it and worn around the chest.

②   押船‥✖️タグボートは、船舶や水上構造物を押したり引いたりするための船。AA tugboat is a vessel used to push or pull ships or floating structures. tugboat is a vessel used to push or pull ships or floating structures.

③   いな‥✖️「いね」の転。多く他の名詞と複合して用いられる。A variation of "ine." Often used in combination with other nouns.A variation of "ine." Often used in combination with other nouns.

④   刀伊の入寇‥✖️寛仁3年3月末から4月にかけて、女真の一派とみられる集団を主体とした海賊が壱岐・対馬を襲い、さらに九州に侵攻した事件。刀伊の来寇ともいう。From the end of March to April in the third year of the Kannin era, pirates, mainly consisting of a group believed to be a faction of the Jurchens, attacked Iki and Tsushima, and then invaded Kyushu. This incident is also known as the Toi Invasion.

⑤   紺屋の明後日‥✖️約束の期限のあてにならないこと。明後日あさつて紺屋に今度鍛冶かじ。医者のただ今。The deadline for the promise is unreliable. The day after tomorrow I'll go to the dye shop and then to the blacksmith. The doctor is here now.





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