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土のアラカルト№549 札幌大球


2024.12.2. mon. ☀︎.




①    楳本都扇性‥✖️楳茂都 扇性は上方舞の楳茂都流家元の名跡。Umemoto Sensei is the stage name of the head of the Umemoto school of Kamigata dance.

②    穴沢喜美男‥✖️遠山静雄に舞台照明を学び、昭和9年創作座第1回公演の久保田万太郎演出「鼬」以来、創作座の照明を担当。文学座が13年に発足してからは同座の照明を担当した。He learned stage lighting from Shizuo Toyama, and was in charge of lighting for the Sosakuza Theatre Company since the first performance of the company, "Weasel," directed by Mantaro Kubota in 1934. Since the Bungakuza Theatre Company was founded in 1938, he has been in charge of lighting for the company.

③    孟母断機‥○物事を途中でやめてしまったり、諦めてしまってはいけないという戒めの言葉。This is a word of warning that we should not quit or give up on things halfway through.

④    米議会襲撃と機密文書事件‥○トランプ次期米大統領は2020年の大統領選で敗北した結果を確定させる議会手続きを妨害する目的で、21年1月に支持者らによる議会襲撃を扇動したなどとして23年8月に起訴された。U.S. President-elect Trump was indicted in August 2023 on charges including inciting his supporters to attack the Capitol in January 2021 with the intent of disrupting congressional proceedings to confirm the results of his defeat in the 2020 presidential election.

⑤    電気自動車‥○電気をエネルギー源とし、電動機で走行する自動車である。It is a car that uses electricity as its energy source and is powered by an electric motor.

⑥    移民‥○国際連合人口部の定義では、外国生まれの人口のこと。As defined by the United Nations Population Division, this refers to the foreign-born population.





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