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土のアラカルト№571 城泊


2024.12.24. tue. ☀︎.




①    刀伊の入寇‥○寛仁3年3月末から4月にかけて、女真の一派とみられる集団を主体とした海賊が壱岐・対馬を襲い、さらに九州に侵攻した事件。This incident occurred between the end of March and April in the third year of the Kannin era, when pirates, mainly consisting of a group believed to be a sect of the Jurchens, attacked Iki and Tsushima, and then invaded Kyushu.

②    朝駆の駄賃‥✖️朝早く走らせる馬は元気よく、少しくらいの荷物はなんとも思わないということ。たやすいことのたとえ。A horse that runs early in the morning is lively and doesn't mind carrying a small amount of luggage.

③    出口なお‥○新宗教「大本」の二大教祖の一人。One of the two main founders of the new religion "Oomoto."

④    輪軸不正問題‥○車軸に車輪を装着した輪軸(りんじく)を組み立てる際に生じた不正行為。Fraudulent conduct that occurred during the assembly of axles, which are the wheels attached to the axles.

⑤    次期戦闘機開発‥○2035年に退役開始が見込まれる航空自衛隊が保有・運用するF-2戦闘機の後継機 として、2018年に策定された31中期防で開発が決定し、2020年に三菱重工が開発主体に選定されたステルス戦闘機である。This stealth fighter was decided to be developed in the 2018 Mid-Term Defense Program (2031) as a successor to the F-2 fighter jets owned and operated by the Japan Air Self-Defense Force, which are expected to begin retiring in 2035, and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries was selected as the development entity in 2020.

⑥    トド‥○哺乳綱食肉目アシカ科トド属に分類される食肉類。A carnivore classified in the family Otariidae, genus Steller sea lion, order Carnivora, class Mammalia.





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