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土のアラカルト№615 センサー開発


2025.2.6. thu. ☁︎.




①  捲土重来‥○まえに敗れた者が、いったん引きさがって勢いを盛り返し、意気込んで来ること。When someone who has previously been defeated steps back, then regains momentum and comes back with enthusiasm.

②  恵方‥○陰陽道(おんようどう)で、その年の干支(えと)にもとづいて、歳徳神(としとくじん)のある方向を吉の方向として定めたもの。In Onmyodo, the direction in which the God of Yearly Virtue is located is determined to be an auspicious direction based on the zodiac sign of the year.

③  不知火型‥○横綱の土俵入りの型の一つで、腕を左右に大きく開くのが特徴です。This is one of the Yokozuna's ring-entering forms, characterized by spreading the arms wide to the left and right.

④  西南西‥○西と南西の中間の方角です。真西から南に22.5度の方角で、東北東の方角と対をなしています。It is the halfway point between west and southwest. It is 22.5 degrees south of due west and is paired with east-northeast.

⑤  控訴‥○判決の確定が阻止され(確定遮断効といいます)、事件が上級裁判所で審理裁判される(移審効といいます)という効力が発生します。The effect is that the judgment is prevented from becoming final (this is called the effect of blocking the finality of the judgment) and the case is reviewed and tried at a higher court (this is called the effect of transferring the case).

⑥  導体‥○電気を通しやすい材料、すなわち電気伝導率(導電率)の高い材料である。A material that easily conducts electricity, i.e., a material with high electrical conductivity.





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