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土のアラカルト№641 Live BP


2025.3.4. tue. ☂️.




①  フォートノックス‥✖️Fort Knox. アメリカ合衆国,ケンタッキー州北部にある軍保留地。

②  外八文字‥✖️江戸吉原の花魁が客の待つ引手茶屋へ出向く際に歩いた歩き方 The way that Edo Yoshiwara courtesans walked on their way to the teahouses where their customers were waiting.

③  啄の機‥✖️禅で、弟子が悟りを開くことができる段階に達したその瞬間に、師匠が悟りのきっかけを与えることのたとえ。転じて、ものごとを成し遂げるための、えがたいチャンスのたとえ。In Zen, this is an analogy for the moment when a master gives a disciple the opportunity to attain enlightenment when he reaches the stage where he can do so. By extension, it is an analogy for an unlikely opportunity to accomplish something.

④  馬頭琴‥✖️モンゴルの遊牧民の間に古くから伝わる、二弦からなる擦弦楽器です。It is a two-stringed bowed instrument that has been passed down since ancient times among the nomadic people of Mongolia.

⑤  公売‥○国税局や税務署が差し押さえた財産を、入札などで売却して滞納税に充てる制度です。 This is a system in which assets seized by the National Tax Agency or tax offices are sold through auctions or other means to pay delinquent taxes.

⑥  両国国技館‥○東京都墨田区横網一丁目にある大相撲の興行のための施設。A facility for holding sumo wrestling events located in Yokoami 1-chome, Sumida-ku, Tokyo.


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