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土のアラカルト№514 奥能登豪雨から1か月

2024.10.28. mon. ☂️.


総選挙は、投票率が低いなぁ(T ^ T)



① 古川大航‥✖昭和期の宗教家 臨済宗妙心寺派元管長;清見寺住職。A religious figure of the Showa period; former head of the Myoshinji school of the Rinzai sect of Buddhism; head priest of Seikenji Temple.

② ヤンキー‥○米国人の俗称。元来は米国南部で、北部諸州の住民を軽蔑的に呼んだ語。A slang term for Americans. Originally used in the southern United States as a derogatory term for residents of the northern states.

③ 船迫‥○ふなさこ,Funasako.

④ 惑星‥○太陽の周囲を公転し,十分大きな質量をもつため自身の重力でほぼ球形を保ち,その軌道近くから他の天体を排除した天体。A celestial body that orbits the Sun and has sufficient mass to maintain a nearly spherical shape due to its own gravity, excluding other celestial bodies from its orbit.

⑤ プログレス‥○progressは英語で「進歩」「発達」「前進」などの意味を持つ単語です。

⑥ カラム‥○表形式のデータで,縦の列。In tabular data, a vertical column.



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